11/11/23 - "ACT 1"
11/11/23 - "SHATTERED SPACE"
11/11/23 - "Enter name."
11/11/23 - "Try again."
11/11/23 - "Examine Room."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Quickly retrieve ARMS from shelf."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Hop on puter."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Pester SG."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Check ACDS."
11/11/23 - "-==>"
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Answer chum."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Check email and download more RAM."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Accept terms and conditions."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Go to"
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Examine Yankovic shrine."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Nab that flail."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Move flail to strife deck."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Investigate M&M promotional statue."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Peep the Garf."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Captchalogue Garfield."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Examine shelves."
11/11/23 - "[S] Izzy: Listen to some tunes."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Check on installation progress."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Leave room."
11/11/23 - "Izzy: Ascend to roof."
11/11/23 - "[S] -==>"
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Examine bird feeder."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Descend."
12/11/23 - "-==>"
12/11/23 - "-==>"
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Descend once more."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Enter study."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Examine window."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Take spyglass."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Enter kitchen."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Observe kitchen window."
12/11/23 - "[S] Izzy: Observe window more intently."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Check under sink."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Take the poison, become the killer."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Check cabinets."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Captchalogue bird seed."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Exit kitchen."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Examine VHS tape on tv stand."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Captchalogue package."
12/11/23 - "Izzy: Go back up those stairs."
01/01/24 - "[S] Izzy: STRIFE!"
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Abscond."
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Observe spoils."
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Victory dance."
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Go back up those stairs."
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Check installation."
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Pester TT."
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Open Preorder Package."
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "Izzy: Cherish the Aphid."
01/01/24 - "-==>"
01/01/24 - "[S] Connect."
01/16/24 - "-==>"
01/16/24 - "TT: Pick up Yellow M&M."
01/16/24 - "TT: Place it back where you found it."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Move JPHONE to primary slot L."
01/16/24 - "-==>"
01/16/24 - "TT: Be smarter. Do better."
01/16/24 - "-==>"
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Ascend to roof. Again."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Inspect Alchemiter."
01/16/24 - "TT: Create something."
01/16/24 - "-==>"
01/16/24 - "TT: Place Totem Lathe."
01/16/24 - "[S] Izzy: Feed in one feed."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Pester TT."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Lament."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Be comforted."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Move Aphid to primary slot R."
01/16/24 - "[S] -==>"
01/16/24 - "-==>"
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Check out your dad’s room."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Examine wardrobe."
01/16/24 - "Izzy: Examine LPs on dresser."
01/16/24 - "[S] Izzy: Mental breakdown."
02/29/24 - "TT: Deploy the Phallic One."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Descend to the foyer."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Inspect Cruxtruder."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Turn the wheel."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Attempt to pry cap off by hand."
02/29/24 - "TT: Remove toilet."
02/29/24 - "TT: Open Cruxtruder."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Examine kernelsprite."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Crank that Soulja Boy."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Quickly remember tag."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Free up some space."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Return to roof."
02/29/24 - "-==>"
02/29/24 - "TT: Deploy pre-punched card."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Captchalogue pre-punched card"
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Collect carved dowel."
02/29/24 - "TT: Check ETA."
02/29/24 - "Izzy: Place totem on the Alchemiter."
02/29/24 - "TT: Activate Alchemiter."
04/13/24 - "[S] Izzy: Enter."
04/26/24 - "Izzy: ....?"
04/26/24 - "Hours in the past..."
04/26/24 - "Enter name."
04/26/24 - "Try again."
04/26/24 - "Examine Room."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Retrieve arms from dresser."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Move fire arms to strife deck."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue these fire arms."
04/26/24 - "[S] Drew: Whistle a haunting refrain."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Hop on computer."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Check out BALLZ folder."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Open CODE folder."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Pester Izzy."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Pester CC."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Open KAIROS."
04/26/24 - "[S] Drew: Check out vinyl."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Check out posters."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue that baseball."
04/26/24 - "Drew: Turn on SNES."
04/26/24 - "-==>"
04/26/24 - "Drew: Check RAM installation progress."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Leave your room."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Observe decorum."
06/12/24 - "[S] -==>"
06/12/24 - "Drew: Go down one of those 3 hallways."
06/12/24 - "-==>"
06/12/24 - "Drew: Open the fridge."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Reheat some rice and spam."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue RAM."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Go back to your room."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Change of plans."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Go downstairs."
06/12/24 - "-==>"
06/12/24 - "Drew: Enter dining room."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Take out food."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Turn on TV."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Flip to 24/7 Vocaloid."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Flip to 24/7 Yuri."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Flip to 24/7 Baseball."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Contemplate hatred."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Stab yourself with your fork."
06/12/24 - "-==>"
06/12/24 - "Drew: Eat."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Clean up."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Return to the kitchen."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Release dirty dishes."
06/12/24 - "-==>"
06/12/24 - "Drew: Run."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Check RAMstallation."
06/12/24 - "Drew: Get pestered."
06/12/24 - "[S] Drew: Commence RAMtics."
07/05/24 - "Drew: Snap back to reality."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Check on your client player."
07/05/24 - "Drew: Look closer."
07/05/24 - "Drew: Pester Izzy."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Leave room."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Examine garden."
07/05/24 - "Drew: Go into shed."
07/05/24 - "Drew: Check breaker box."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Reconnect wire."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue Melp."
07/05/24 - "[S] -==>"
07/05/24 - "Drew: Head back to your room."
07/05/24 - "-==>"
07/05/24 - "[S] Drew: STRIFE."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Abscond?"
07/22/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue Mel."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Enter Mel's room."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Examine Miku Shrine."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Captchalogue Miku."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Release Mel."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Tuck Mel in."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Return to room."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Gather bearings."
07/22/24 - "-==>"
07/22/24 - "Drew: Look out window."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Pester Izzy."
07/22/24 - "-==>"
07/22/24 - "-==>"
07/22/24 - "Drew: Pester CC."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Pester SG."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Pester WB."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Despair."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Cherish Steeltoe."
07/22/24 - "Drew: Say goodbye to Goku."
07/22/24 - "-==>"
08/02/24 - "Drew: Wake up as the other guy."
08/02/24 - "Enter Name."
08/02/24 - "Try again."
08/02/24 - "Examine room."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Retrieve Arms."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Piss your pants."
08/02/24 - "[S] Zack: Beat out a haunting refrain."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Remember what today is."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Do homework."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Consider lunch."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Examine weapon of choice."
08/02/24 - "-==>"
08/02/24 - "Zack: Peruse programming books."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Examine posters."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Captchalogue PHONE."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Head to the kitchenette."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Quell the hangover."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Line stomach."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Head back."
08/02/24 - "-==>"
08/02/24 - "Zack: You're still hungry."
08/02/24 - "-==>"
08/02/24 - "[S] Zack: Microwave a chimichanga."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Pester Izzy."
08/02/24 - "-==>"
08/02/24 - "Zack: Respond to emergency."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Install RAM."
08/02/24 - "Zack: Check Drew's status."